DIGITAL ASSETS; Crypto currencies NFT and derivatives

In recent years investing/trading in digital assets has become increasingly popular and the gains made by some people have been substantial. A recent survey estimated that over 3.5m people in the UK now own crypto wallets.

Taxation has not kept up well with these innovative, fast moving and increasingly popular investments and guidance from the Taxman remains scant at best. Many people mistakenly believe that gains and profits from digital assets are not taxable at all. This is not true and ignoring your tax obligations can be costly.

At Accounts Action we keep abreast of the digital asset marketplace and help you understand the tax implications of gains, profits and Losses and help you keep on the right side of the taxman.

We are proud to be one of the few accountants that accommodate clients that hold and trade in digital assets and their derivatives.


“It sounds extraordinary, but it’s a fact that balance sheets can make fascinating reading.”

 Mary Archer